英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-31 16:35:39
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. ordinary clothing as distinguished from uniforms, work clothes, clerical garb, etc.

Synonym: civilian clothingcivilian dresscivilian garb

1. 便衣:417 policewoman n. 女警察 | 419 plain clothes 便衣 | 420 carry out 进行,实施

2. 密探:密切注意/eagle eye | 密探/plain clothes | 密探行当/great game

3. plain clothes

3. 便衣警察:便衣/easy dress;plain clothes | 便衣警察/plain clothes | 便宜/real bargain

4. 校園先鋒:暴力先鋒 Murphy's Law (1986) | 校園先鋒 Plain Clothes (1988) | 諜網先鋒 Picasso Trigger (1988)

Plain and simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.(朴素的服装适合在学校里穿。)
The policemen disguised themselves in plain clothes.(警察穿上便服伪装自己。)
Thee youth with a plain clothes came to the front of the elderly, bent down and whispered: "Sir, I want to buy the house, but I was only 1 million pounds."(一个衣着朴素的青年来到老人眼前,弯下腰,低声说::“先生,我也好想买这栋住宅,可我只有1万英镑。)
KGB officers in plain clothes were clearly in charge even at the police station, and the arrest itself was as choreographed as the trial to come.(很明显,当时是由克格勃的便衣警察在掌控局势,甚至在警署也是如此,逮捕行动和接下来审讯一样都是他们编排的。)
She always wears plain clothes to work.(她总是穿朴素的衣服去上班。)
The protest might have petered out had not snipers in plain clothes, assumed to be security men loyal to Mr Saleh, fired into crowds in the capital on March 18th, killing some 50 people.(抗议也许会慢慢的消失,但是便衣的狙击手们可不会,他们假装成忠诚于萨利赫先生的安全人员,于3月18日朝着人群开火,致使50余人丧命。)
But at dawn, as he and many thousand supporters prepared to gather at a city park, plain-clothes policemen arrested him and, struggling to get through a dense crowd, took him away.(但是就在黎明,就在他准备和成千上万的支持者在城市公园碰面时,便衣警察逮捕了他并艰难地穿过拥挤的人群将其带走。)
When the snow flies flying, dressed in a plain clothes conceal her color flow, the world also come because of snow become exceptionally pure, especially enchanting.(当雪花凌空飞扬时,一袭素衣掩不住她的流彩,这个世界也因雪花的莅临而变得分外纯净,分外妖娆。)
Plain clothes are appropriate for school wear.(朴素的衣服适合于上学时穿着。)
They came in a huge truck full of police men, plus two police women, plus a plain clothes intelligence agent and a magistrate.(他们开来了一辆很大的卡车,里满全是警察,其中有两名女警。)
plain clothes是什么意思 plain clothes在线翻译 plain clothes什么意思 plain clothes的意思 plain clothes的翻译 plain clothes的解释 plain clothes的发音 plain clothes的同义词